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Trinity Glen Rose District Videos

This is the Trinity Glen Rose District video. It gives you an overview of what we do to conserve, preserve and protect the Trinity Aquifer within our district boundaries.

TGR Database Training Videos

The Trinity Glen Rose District database system is very detailed and deep with various types of helpful information. To make acquiring that information a little easier, we will be producing some training videos on how the public can use the system. The first video below is an overview of how to log into and navigate the system as well as some insights into where the main menus are, how to locate a particular well in the system and then how you can find detailed information about specific wells.

Building a Rain Barrell

Want to build your own rain barrel? George and Emily give you the rundown on how to get it done using materials you can find at most hardware stores.

Watersaving Native Plant Landscape Video

Conserving water by converting high water use turf and nonnative plants to low water use native plants is a priority for the Trinity Glen Rose District. Here's one sample of a video we produced to show how great a yard can look with native plants and some great landscape design.


You can watch more of these types of landscape videos at the District YouTube page.

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