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The Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District (TGRGCD or District) was created for the purpose of conserving, preserving, recharging, protecting and preventing waste of groundwater from the Trinity Aquifer in Northern Bexar County. The District was also created in response to the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission designating a portion of the Trinity Aquifer within Bexar County as a Priority Groundwater Management Area (PGMA).


The Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District is the governing body of only that portion of the Trinity Aquifer that is located in northern Bexar County. This Aquifer is considered very important to the State of Texas and subject to the provisions in Chapter 35 of the Texas Water Code. The TNRCC designated this area a PGMA in January 2001 and created the TGRGCD in order that appropriate groundwater management techniques and strategies could be implemented at the local level to address groundwater issues or problems within the District. A PGMA designation is given to an area “that is experiencing, or is expected to experience critical groundwater problems.” One of the primary reasons that a PGMA was designated in this area is the explosive growth in North Bexar and surrounding counties.


The duty of the TGR Board members will be to ensure that the water in the aquifer is managed in a reasoned and balanced manner to allow for growth in the area, while still preserving the ability of residents or their water suppliers to draw water for their families.


The District will conduct administrative and technical activities and programs to achieve these purposes. The District will collect and archive water well and aquifer data, regulate water well drilling and production from non-exempt wells, promote the capping or plugging of abandoned wells, provide information and educational material to local property owners, interact with other governmental or organizational entities, and incorporate other groundwater-related activities that may help meet the purposes of the District.


Enacting Legislation

The Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District was created by HB 2005 during the 77thTexas Legislature. HB 2005 was authored by State Representatives Frank Corte Jr. and John Shields and sponsored by Senator Jeff Wentworth. The bill was signed into law and took effect on September 1, 2001 and confirmed by voters in 2002.  The District was created as a result of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) designating the Trinity group of aquifers lying within northern Bexar County as a Priority Groundwater Management Area (PGMA). 


In 2009, the 81st Texas Legislature passed HB1518 allowing an increase of production fees and allowing municipalities to request inclusion of annexed areas into the District as provided by Chapter 36 Texas Water Code.


The mission of the District is to provide rules and regulations to manage, conserve, preserve, protect, maximize recharge and prevent waste of the water resources within the section of the Trinity Aquifer located in northern Bexar County.

Interactive Trinity Glen Rose District Map

Dr. Stuart Birnbaum

Precinct 1

Joe duMenil

Precinct 2

Steven Peterson

Precinct 3

Joe Silman

Precinct 4

Katrina Castillo

Precinct 5

Use the map to locate your District when using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. 

For Safari users, click here to determine the District in which you reside.

NEWSLETTER  - sign up to get the most recent news at TGRGCD sent to your email inbox.

Physical: 12274 Bandera Rd, Ste. 106-107
Helotes, Texas 78023

Mailing: 12790 FM 1560 N. Box 1589
Helotes, Texas 78023

Phone (210) 698-1155 

Fax (210) 698-1159

©2021 by the Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District.

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