2021 Watersaver Landscape Tour Videos
The Trinity Glen Rose District cosponsored the 2021 Watersaver Landscape Tour. This event was held online and more than 350 people took time to watch. In case you missed it, you can watch the tour videos featuring some beautiful, water-saving landscapes from around San Antonio.
We'd like for you to come away with a few ideas on how you can improve the look and feel of your yard while substituting native plants for grass and other nonnative plants that require lots of water to keep healthy. Many thanks are due to the homeowners who agreed to not only let us show their yards but also participate in the videos. They are quite informative.
One last can download the plant lists we put together for each yard, which should help you next time you visit a nursery to pick the right plants for your home's landscape. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did in putting them together.
2019 Watersaver Landscape Tour - Photos

The Trinity Glen Rose District cosponsored the 2019 Watersaver Landscape Tour. This tour offered residents the opportunity to visit various landscapes in various parts of the city to see how they can improve the look of their yards while saving water. Click the arrows to view the photos.