You know the saying "Everything's Bigger in Texas." Well, that truism couldn't be more important than when it applies to conserving water, especially when it's hot (which can be most of the year).
Did you know outdoor watering can double your water use during the summer? And lots of that wet stuff can be wasted through evaporation, runoff and just plain overwatering. And indoor water is wasted through leaks and incorrect water use habits, like leaving the water running when you're not using it.
So, you need to love our local aquifers like the Trinity Aquifer and the Edwards Aquifer like you mean it. And that's why we say Don't Waste the Wet Stuff, because wasting water is just not Texas-like.
Here are some great ideas for how your family can save water inside and outside and protect our water resources as well.

1. Fix Leaks!
Always be on the lookout for leaking faucets, pipes, and toilets to prevent water loss, which is water waste. Even minor leaks can accumulate significant waste and expense over time.

2. Never Leave the
Water Running!
If you're not using the water, turn it off. For example, don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth.

3. Install Low-Flow Showerheads!
Modern shower heads can produce great water pressure while reducing the actual use of water. Heck, you might even get creative and shut of the off water while soaping up.

4. Take Short Showers!
The math on this water-saving tip adds up quickly. Get in, soap up, rinse off, turn the water off. Save the singing for when you're drying off!

5. Only Wash When You Have a Full Load!
Your clothes washer is near the top water device in your home when it comes to using water. So only use it when you have a full load to do. And, the next time you have to buy one, find a low-water-us appliance.

6. Wash Only Full Loads of Dishes!
Did you know that your dishwasher is more efficient than washing dishes by hand? That's because people tend to leave the water running when washing dishes in the sink. Save some time, money and water by putting that dishwasher to use.

Water only on your designated day and preferably in the early morning.
Check your sprinkler system and controller to ensure it is running efficiently.
Install rain sensors on sprinkler systems.
Fix leaky faucets and hoses..they waste water and money.
Water your grass…not the sidewalk and street.
Native plants don't require much water, overwatering can kill them.
Make plans to change out your high water use turf grass to low water use, colorful native plants and ground cover. You don't have to do it all at once. Pick a spot in your yard that needs little love and start there.
The Trinity Glen Rose District co-sponsors a video series called Go Gardening which teaches homeowners how to convert their landscapes to native plants, hardscapes and other decorative landscape materials. Click here to watch Go Gardening.
Mid-day sun doesn't play well with landscape sprinklers.
Use a broom to clear away debris, instead of using the hose.