TGR Regional Pumping Impact Study

Following notification of a proposed groundwater production project in Bexar county, TGR commenced with a regional impact study through WSP to assess potential impacts. The project would include the activation of production wells located in northeastern Bexar County. Click the link below to read the report.
TGR Research and Aquifer Studies
USGS Spring Survey Results
US Geological Survey has compiled and released a spring survey report. USGS partnered with TGRGCD, Edwards Aquifer Authority and San Antonio River Authority to create a geodatabase of springs throughout northern Bexar County.
LBG-Guyton Structure Maps and Stratigraphy Dataset for TGRGCD
LBG-Guyton Associates prepared a stratigraphic dataset and two structure maps for the Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District in Northern Bexar County. The structure maps represent the top of the lower Glen Rose and top of the Cow Creek formations, within the Trinity Aquifer.
LBG-Guyton Structure Report - PDF
Structure Map Lower Glen Rose - PDF
WSP Exempt Well Study
Under the District’s enabling legislation, a conservative estimate of approximately 80% of groundwater produced by public water systems (PWS) from the Trinity Group of Aquifers within TGR boundaries is exempted from regulation. WSP compiled and analyzed production potential from these statutorily exempt wells across the District.
Dr. Ronald T. Green Presentation on the Importance of Protecting the Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone/Trinity Aquifer Recharge Zone
See the relationship between the Trinity and Edwards aquifers, including a gain/loss study on the Helotes Creek Watershed that shows its importance to recharge. Find the presentation here. Find the Study here.